Good Morning Students, Parents, and Families! Below is a video of how to use the iPad features as an example by one of our teachers.

We hope everyone is in good health and spirits. We want to welcome everyone back to our 2020/2021 school year. We would like to THANK our community for their support and patience as we maneuver through this unprecedented time.

All signs point to another incredible and productive school year. Our skilled and devoted staff is already planning and preparing for your child(ren)s online learning. Our enthusiastic office team is registering new families, ordering needed materials and updating student files. Our hard working and conscientious custodians have spent the entire summer thoroughly cleaning the facility and sterilizing daily.

Careful consideration was given to input from staff and families as well as how Wolf Creek School will move forward with instruction. Classrooms have been balanced academically and socially. Our class lists are structured to provide equitable class sizes at each grade level. Moving students is difficult without causing imbalances and inequities. This is done to ensure every student will benefit to the fullest.

ALL of our staff works hard to make school a positive experience for ALL students. Thank you to all who are helping prepare for the new school year. Your commitment to ensuring that Wolf Creek remains a celebrated and successful school is awe-inspiring. We eagerly look forward to greeting students and families again.

Remote learning for Wolf Creek Students will begin, Tuesday, 8 September, 2020. Additional information will be sent out on a regular basis so please contact the school with any update contact information.

Darrell ‘Brownie’ Eagle Bull, Principal

Alicia Stolley, Asst Principal of Instructional Staff

Melissa Iron Cloud, Asst Principal of Assessment, Curriculum and Data

Saunie Wilson, Dean of Students

Office Contacts:
Secretary:Bessie LeBeau 867-5174 455-6625
Attendance Clerks:Monica Vocu 455-6654Deanna Big Crow 455-6650
Secretary:Mary Wilson 455-6631
ISS Secretary:Deb Porter 455-6641
Contact Information:
Principal of School Operations:Darrell "Brownie' Eagle Bull.
Asst. Principal of Instructional Staff:Alicia Stolley.
Asst. Principal of Assessment, Curriculum & Data Melissa Iron Cloud.
Dean of StudentsSaunie Wilson.

October Breakfast and Lunch Menus

Darrell "Brownie" Eagle BullPrincipal
Alicia StolleyAsst Principal
Melissa Iron CloudAsst Principal
Saunie WilsonDean of Students