
Announcements for Reading Class with Mrs. Peters

Welcome to 8th Grade reading and the 2021 - 2022 school year!

Attached find the syllabus for reading class: Syllabus

Standards Based Grading is used at WCMS. Attached find the rubric for our grading expectations: Standards Based Grading. Students are encouraged to redo assignments that they have not mastered to work on learning the necessary skills they are missing.

I encourage all of the 8th grade reading students to read at least 20 minutes outside of class each day. Reading as a teen leads to success. When teens read more than just their classroom assignments, research clearly shows that they generally do well in school. First of all, the extra reading expands their vocabularies. It also shows them how different writers put down their thoughts leading to better writing skills. And teens who read more serious literary works gain skills in handling complex ideas. The more teens read, the more information they pick up. This leads to a solid core of knowledge that is useful in a wide variety of classes and situations.

All students have been given a library card and will need a book of their choice each day for independent reading time. Ask your child what he/she is reading and take an active interest in their reading lives!

If you have any questions or concerns this school year, don't hesitate to contact me.