Vermillion PTO:  for students, for teachers, for education

Welcome to the Vermillion PTO Website!

The Vermillion PTO is active at Vermillion Elementary School, Vermillion Middle School and Vermillion High School.  Vermillion PTO has many projects throughout the year to benefit our schools and the education of our children. From the Fun Run and teacher appreciation meals to the school carnival, it all happens through the PTO!  Would you like to be a part of planning and share your ideas? Get involved – join our PTO today. Click on ‘become a member’ to fill out a quick membership form.  It’s easy!

PTO had a successful school year for 2023-2024. We were able to host many family events, provide in many ways to the students and teachers, and implement some new events! Planning for 2024-2025 school year is underway already. If you have interest in helping with anything, please reach out via email to or reach out to one of the board members. 

A little insight as to what we have done this year... 

We gifted all new VSD staff a new tanager t-shirt to welcome them into the district

•We donated funds to the elementary school art project, thus being able to purchase a large amount of supplies

•We donated to the Finland project, helping to get our teachers over to Finland to learn some new academic materials!

•Had a Christmas coloring contest and provided prizes to winners of that.

•Hosted the Fun-Run which is a large fundraiser to gather funds to be able to do everything else throughout the year. We also hosted pizza parties for the winning class at each building that raised the most money!

•We paid out a total of 23 Grants this year between classroom, grade level and building grants!

•We provided gifts for administrative day!

•we hosted a costume drive collecting costumes which will be handed out at an event this next school year

•we provided meals for all conferences

•we were able to provide goodies for teacher appreciation week at all schools

•We hosted the book fair at Austin and Jolley

•we hosted a family bingo night!

•We put on the annual family carnival night which is also another fundraising event to help cover our costs while providing a fun night for all!

•we did something new this year and had a popcorn fundraiser which for the first year went great!

•We provided donuts and juice for the 5th grade breakfast and took a picture to give to all 5th grade students as a keepsake!