Patriot Press

Douglas School District website link:

Hello and thank you for choosing to read the Patriot Press. This will be a place for students to find out what is happening around the school and community, a place to share ideas and information, and a place where we can create a connection to each other here at Douglas Middle School.

February Club Meetings

Visit the Douglas Middle School Site for more information!


Art Club

Meetings are every Wednesday morning from 7:30 to 7:55

Patriot Press Meetings (Every Monday and Friday)

Patribots Logo.pdf

Robotics club

The robotics club is run by Mr. Militello and is located in room 707. The meeting dates are on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 4:10.

Drama Club

Drama club meetings will be every week Mondays through Wednesdays for actors. Thursday and Friday for tech. Schedules will change as needed to put on a great show.

Anime club

Meetings every Thursday at 7:30 to 7:55. Anime club is run my Ms. Awe in room 808


Sports Calendar