Art Class Photos

2nd & 3rd graders are experimenting with CLAY to create the element of texture (rough and smooth). Here are some examples of their creations. 


Freshman artists with their pieces based on the element of LINE in composition and it’s effects on viewers. They first read poems to gain inspiration and then wrote about what inspired them and sketched rough drafts. 

During preschool art the students and Mr. Buff discussed and practiced drawing on how lines transform into shapes and shapes transform into form (three dimensional) drawings.

Typically, students that are younger than second grade think 3D drawings are magical!

They really enjoyed the process.

THEN: Mr. Buff talked about texture (rough and smooth). We used clay to make  some smooth shapes. 

October 2023: 

Mr. Buff had a guest artist, Oelrichs graduate and studio artist Baylie Her Many Horses, demonstrating skills and techniques to our freshman class.

Then preschool learned about form and were able to create their own forms.

October 2023: K-1 worked on understanding negative and positive space in drawing composition.