Mrs. Finnesand's Classes

9th English         Creative Writing (Falll) Yearbook (Mass Comm) ACT Prep (Spring) 20th Century Stories (Spring)

Welcome to Mrs. Finnesand's class page!  

Here you will find links for lesson plans, classroom policies, and how to contact me. 

Please contact me with any questions or concerns. The sooner we can connect, the sooner we can work together to make this year the best experience for your student. 


phone: (605) 446-3538 ext. 208

Tri-Valley School District

46450 252nd Street

Colton, SD 57018

Lesson Plans & Schedule

Lesson plans: Click Here 

Mrs. Finnesand's Class Schedule

Class Policies

Academic Integrity: 

Students will complete their own work with integrity. This means that students will complete their work independently without any unauthorized assistance (including from others and/or the internet).

Why does it matter? The most important outcome of my class is that you LEARN. Mastering the content requires in depth knowledge, understanding, and experience with the class content. Your work in class is designed to give you the experience so you can gain knowledge and understanding of the material. By failing to do the work independently or seeking outside, unauthorized assistance (including Google), you are robbing yourself of the chance to experience the material and develop your own understanding. 


Student pledge: I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment/assessment. Unauthorized assistance includes copying someone else’s work or giving someone else work to copy, asking (or telling) someone the answer, looking up information online (even if it isn’t copied word for word).

Mrs. Finnesand's Class Policies

Mrs. Finnesand's Expectations and Info_2022-2023