Book Clubs

Middle School Book Club

Our first book of the year was Nothing Else But Miracles by Kate Albus.  We had a lot of new members and some great discussions.

This winter we read Escape from Stalingrad.  It was not our favorite.

Now we will are reading Fish in a Tree.  Our meeting to discuss the end of the book will be Monday, May 6th at lunch.  

Inheritance Games Book Club

We have been super into The Inheritance Games series.   We are starting this school year with the fourth book in the series, The Brothers Hawthorne.  We started as a middle school book club but now everyone is in high school.  We decided that we will come back together when the next book releases in July of 2024.

The middle school book club is led by Ms. Moser.

Middle School book club

Part of The Inheritance Games book club.

High School Book Club

The high school book club is led by Miss Spiry.

Thank you to the Tiger Education Foundation for the funding that makes it possible for us to buy
each student and teacher in the book club their own book to read and keep.