Semester 2 Test Review #1

Directional Lock: Gas Law Relationships (unit 6)

Determine what will happen to following properties given the conditions.

1. What happens to the pressure of a tire when the temperature drops over night? (volume is held constant)

2. What happens to the volume of a balloon when you take it outside in the winter? (pressure is held constant)

3. What happens to the pressure when the number of particles is increased?

4. What happens to the pressure when the volume is decreased and the temperature is held constant?

Put your answers in order of the numbered questions and enter it in the lock using I for increasing and D for decreasing.

Test your knowledge with heat calculations to unlock the 3-number lock. (unit 7)

Use your solutions vocab knowledge to open the color lock. (unit 8)

Equilibrium constant calculations will unlock your 3 digit number lock. (unit 9)

Acid and Base vocab will be the key to unlocking your 7 letter lock. (unit 10)