ACES Lessons

ACES stands for Academic, Career, Emotional, and Social. Each week, we explore a topic relating to those four domains. Below are some lessons you can do at home!

The Yucky Bug


  • First, wash your hands for 20 seconds (Happy Birthday song twice!).

  • Next, trace your (clean) hand on a piece of paper. Once you have it traced, for each finger - name of Magic 5 that you learned about in the story.

  • Finally, color your hand and draw a picture in the palm of your hand of something that makes you feel strong.

Simon's Hook


1. Watch the video and practice each strategy by responding to the below phrases.

"I can't believe you are wearing that shirt today!"

"You didn't even pass your math test"

"Sam and I are playing by ourselves, find something else to do"

Flip Your Lid


  • Name 4 coping strategies that you can do to get your lid flipped and begin thinking clearly. Tell a family member these 4 strategies and ask them what their strategies are.

    • Remember, coping strategies are things that you can do to calm your mind and body (& get you back into the green zone).