
President: Ally JohnPress

Ally JohnPress is a senior who enjoys writing her own fiction stories as well as conspiracy theories in her free time. Additionally, she trains Krav Maga (self-defense) outside of school and works at her studio, The Mat. Some of her favorite things include mint chocolate chip ice cream, watermelon Sour Patch Kids, jetskiing, learning about psychology, and bracelet-making.

You can contact Ally at

Vice President: Hailey Bowermon

Hailey keeps track of all service hours and creates various opportunities to earn hours at NEHS. If you have questions or need any help, Hailey is probably the best person to ask. She is involved in several other clubs and honor societies at CPHS and outside of school, Hailey has been playing tennis and the piano for years. She is an avid lover of ramen and sushi.

You can contact Hailey at

Secretary: Jay Kannam

Jay monitors attendance at NEHS along with tracking minutes and most of the extraneous work during meetings. He is the Co-Captain of the CPHS varsity tennis team and competes twice a week at schools across Central Texas. Outside of school, Jay plays basketball and runs long distance, with an impressive mile time. His favorite delicacy to eat are chocolate macarons.

You can contact Jay at

Parliamentarian: Jani Jung

Jani keeps track of Remind and email announcements with important information about NEHS. She is also involved in NHS, NTHS, Mu Alpha Theta, and NSHS. Furthermore, Jani is head captain of the CPHS cheer team and has been a cheerleader for seven years now. She listens to R&B and alternative music, including artists such as Tame Impala, Daniel Caesar, and Frank Ocean. She also enjoys Korean dramas and eating sushi.

You can reach Jani at

Historian: Kristine Kim

Kristine maintains the bulletin board at NEHS and keeps a photographic history of the organization. Kristine is on the cheer team and goes to every CPHS football game. Furthermore, she enjoys reading and drawing when not involved in extracurriculars.

You can contact Kristine at

Treasurer: Julia Childress

Julia keeps track of dues and other finances in NEHS, including cord and t-shirt purchases. She is a varsity cheerleader and is currently one of the captains of the team this season. Aside from cheer, Julia is also passionate about fitness and health, and enjoys going to the gym regularly. Some of her other hobbies include traveling and exploring new places, activities, and foods.

You can contact Julia at

Webmaster: Aiden Seibel

Aiden created this website, and most of the other online elements of NEHS. He's also the head of the CPHS Investment Club and UIL Social Studies team. Outside of school, he enjoys playing soccer, mountain biking, long distance running with the Secretary (Jay), and playing chess whenever he can. You can catch Aiden at the Brushy Creek regional trail at least three times a week. Aiden listens to (almost) all genres of music, with country music being the one exception.

You can reach Aiden at