Partnerships for Student Success

The Rapid Response Northern School Team was created by the Ministry of Indigenous Education and Well-Being Division in partnership with Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), Grand Council Treaty #3, and the Keewatin-Patricia District School Board to support schools in First Nations communities, specifically in the NAN and Treaty #3 areas. It is fully funded by the Ministry of Indigenous Education.

The Rapid Response Northern School Team Members

~ Collaborative, Supportive, Compassionate ~


Team Lead- Junior/Intermediate/Senior Teacher


Sheri started teaching at Beaver Brae Secondary School in the science and mathematics departments and spent more than 12 years there as a Special Education Resource Teacher. More recently, she has been part of the KPDSB’s central special education team, as a trainer for ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), Restorative Practices, and BMS (Behaviour Management Systems). More recently, Sheri has completed certification as a Leader for Self-Reg Schools.  Sheri has been a member of the Rapid Response Northern School Team since its inception. 


Team Member - Intermediate/Senior Teacher


Miranda started working for the KPDSB in 2018, specializing in Junior and Special Education. Before this, she worked in a semi-isolated community teaching split grade classes, with a community-centred approach. She is known for her strong classroom management skills and achievement integrated with equity. Miranda joined the Rapid Response Team in 2024.


Team Member - Junior/Intermediate/Senior Teacher 


Kelly taught English, Indigenous studies, and equity and social justice at Beaver Brae Secondary School in Kenora for more than 15 years. During that time, she worked collaboratively to develop new courses and resources in these subject areas. She enjoys exploring innovative teaching and assessment strategies, as well as mentoring other teachers in their own practice. She is a Behaviour Management Systems (BMS) trainer and she is working toward her certification in the Self-Reg Foundations Program through the Mehrit Centre. Kelly joined the Rapid Response Northern School Team in the fall of 2023.



Team Member - Principal


Shannon began her teaching career with KPDSB in 2005 as a teacher and literacy coach at Hudson Public School, teaching all grades from JK-8. Shannon moved to Thunder Bay in 2011 and began teaching with Lakehead Public Schools, having now been a principal for the last 12 years, as well as a teacher for the Oshki-Wenjack Education Institute. Shannon is passionate about meeting the needs of every learner, relationship building, outdoor learning, and mental health and wellness. Shannon joined the RRNST in 2024 and is so excited for this new role. When she’s not at school, you can find her in a kayak, swimming, doing yoga, or spending time with her 2 great kids.


"We are not a TEAM because we work together.  WE ARE a team because WE respect, trust, and care for each other."

~Vala Afshar~