FINAL KHS Media Hype Edit-.mp4

Dominic Migliore

"Some things I have learned in this semester from this class is how to form a good edit and make sure to fix all the glitches. Also i have learned how to use a camera like the lens, shutter, aperture, image sensor, viewfinder, body, and memory card slot."

Makai Ishikawa

"What I have learned this semester is how to properly handle a camera. Also I learned how to use a editing source to edit videos."

Tiani Lauronal

"The first thing that I learned in this class is the 16 different shots. Secondly, if you were going to film a class we would have to email the teacher first. After you email the teacher, you film, edit, and send it to the teacher when you're done. Thirdly, we learned how to interview someone the correct way."

Kaylin Wehrsig

"I have learned how to use a camera properly and all the different things that go into using a camera like ISO, aperture, and more."

Jedro Loeak

"From this semester, I learned how to interview someone.

 Thing I learned from this semester is that how to set up the camera infront of the interviewer."

Aaliyah Ballesteros


Cristianna Perry

"I have learned a lot in this class including how to create a broadcast as a team."

" I think as a class we realized how important communication is in our classroom.  "

Marlon Utrera

"I've learned a lot about time management and communication."

Danni Sale

"What I have learned during this semester from this class is that you have to be very open minded when it comes to meeting a person's expectations." 

"You have to give the person the benefit of the doubt on the way they react to your creative workflow and process."

Mei Kawakami

This semester I have learned the value of teamwork. While this class is based around Digital Media, we learn a lot about teamwork and communication within the process. I value, teamwork, as it has shown me, greater things can be done, not just alone, but with people who share the same interests and ideas as you.

Mei Kanada

"I was able to strengthen my communication and time-management skills."

" I have learned about the importance of scripting a story."

Duke DeGuair

"This semester I have learned the importance of teamwork and organization. Especially when it comes to preparing for competitions and other projects."

Leila Bracket

"I've learned a lot about the importance of the process and all the steps it takes to get to the final product. Each step is a part of the story which can end up being even more important than what comes from of it."

Samudra Shaffer

"I have learned how to script in a professional manner. I also learned the process of pre-production, production, and post-production, editing skills. I apply this to the class, AND my own hobby to for my Youtube Channel, and my Online Radio Stations hobby."

Zachary Hart

"I have learned how to change the settings on a camera to account for lighting and other circumstances."

"I have also learned that media is relatively hard and requires a lot of time."

Hunter Felte

"I’ve learned a lot of things. When I first entered this class I didn’t know anything but now I know how to do a bunch of things such as how to edit a video, the different functions of a camera, how to frame an interview etc."

Hailey Barker

"I've learned more about how important communication is. Communication can make or break the outcome of something."

Isahia Cho

"I learned how crucial communication is in any kind of organization. I also gained more understanding of how the process looks like in creating media."

Joshua Ryan Paz

Johnny Chun

"I have learn't a lot about editing, troubleshooting, camera work and script writing."

Azriel Jefferies 

Kamalie Ferreira

KamomiO Ke Kai Alu Kau

 Shaina Joy Oraa