Main Course!

Welcome to Class!

The purpose of this page is to help us keep focused and organized as we move through the course. You can find our learning goals, learning resources, and a record of the products we create together which demonstrate and share what we have learned. This is the page for our MORNING COURSE which meets from 10 to 11am. Join class from here everyday!

Day 1: Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Who IS that?! Meet teachers and the other students in the course. Let's have some agreements so everyone feels welcome.

Learning Launch (Slideshow for the Day) Tasks and Tools (Padlet Introductions)

Our Work (Our Class Agreements) Learning Log (Do this right after class every day!)

Day 2: Thursday, July 9, 2020

What's your jam? Let's create a playlist to share in class so that we can experience others' POV through music and have something to enjoy while we crush this course!

Learning Launch Tasks and Tools Our Work Learning Log

Day 3: Friday, July 10, 2020

We are all individuals, but like this field of Irises near Tokyo, Japan, we are most beautiful when we are put together with all of our similarities and differences. Let's share our individual introductions with appreciation and make beautiful happen!

Learning Launch Tasks and Tools (Introductions Padlet)

Our Work (Playlist Padlet) Learning Log

Weekend Warriors!

Watch this video introduction FIRST, then review the e-book!

Link to e-book.

Link to Guided Reading (One of your teachers reads to you!)

Day 4: Monday, July 13, 2020

Like the hale construction seen here, many connections are needed to build a strong structure. We have lots of connections to make with each other and each others' ideas about global and local sustainability. Let's use today to define and refine our thinking around sustainability to build a strong foundation that will last!

Learning Launch (slides) Tasks and Tools (Padlet Resources)

Our Work (Padlet Questions) Learning Log

Day 5: Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Like you, there are lots of people who care about sustainability. Who are they and what are they doing to make an impact? Let's explore some examples of the real life work that some individuals and organizations are doing to create change.

Learning Launch Tasks and Tools (Padlet) Our Work Learning Log

Day 6: Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Explore exciting actions that you and others can take to make change! You are in the driver's seat in choosing the sustainability goals that are important to you. Let's learn all that we can so that we can be informed and effective advocates for our ideas!

Learning Launch Tasks and Tools Our Work Learning Log

Day 7: Thursday, July 16, 2020

Sharing ideas and asking questions can only make our ideas better. Let's use our time today to create our plans for making a difference with others who have similar interests about sustainability.

Learning Launch Tasks and Tools Sharing Link Learning Log

How to make a PDF and upload it to "Shared Link" tutorial

Day 8: Friday, July 17, 2020

It's a sustainability Par-tay! Today our ideas and plans will shine as we share and learn from each other about what it means to be a sustainability champion. We won't talk about saying Aloha just yet...

Learning Launch Tasks and Tools Sharing Link Learning Log