Course Description

Algebra Readiness

Algebra Readiness is designed to help prepare all students for the rigor of high school math. By reviewing critical math skills learned during middle school, students will have an increased chance of finding success in their high school match class, whether that's Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II.

Ignition / 9th Grade Transition

Ignition is McKinley's 9th grade transition program. The transition from middle to high school can be challenging, however the Ignition program pairs students with upperclassmen mentors who will help students with their transition. In addition, critical social and study skills are reinforced during this class as well as college readiness.

Career Academy Exploration

During the Career Academy Exploration course, students will engage in project based learning centered around the themes of McKinley's four career academies. Students will work on projects that will allow them to explore various industries, including business, engineering, healthcare, and digital media.