Kailua High School 

Family Resource Center


My name is Diana Baldwin and I am your Family Resource Center Director & Parent Community Network Coordinator.  I would like to welcome and encourage you to be part of our Family Resource Center (FRC)! 

Your Family Resource Center is a welcoming place for ALL families to find resources, ask questions, meet each other, learn new ways to help your students succeed,  share knowledge, skills/talents and experiences with others.  We are located in Room F-23 and look forward to welcoming you! 

   Please consider being part of our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) that helps guide our future programming!  Our first PAC meeting of SY 2024-25 will be on September 10 at 6:00pm in Room F-23.  Please come join us and provide your input!

 We offer workshops for you and your student(s) so please come be part of the fun!

 We hope you will become a vital member of our Family Resource Center!  If you have any questions and/or would like to be part of our Parent Advisory Council, please feel free to e-mail me at diana.baldwin@k12.hi.us

-Diana Baldwin   


Our vision is to be the catalyst where parents, children and families can learn, network, grow and support one another enabling them to strengthen our families and community.


Our mission is to serve as a welcoming and supportive place for all families to identify and connect with resources enabling them to thrive, strengthen and support themselves, their Ohana and community.

Kailua High School is located on the island of Oahu in the city of Kailua, Hawaii.  

We are the home of the proud Surfriders! 

Our school serves students in grades 9-12.

Lots of Support!

Brandi and Precious Wilson

Thank you so very much for doing a beautiful job painting the FRC logo!

And thank you to Leela Goo for help with the final logo design!

Family Resource Center Offerings

Some of the Things the Family Resource Center Can Help You With in Room F-23

        Keep Handy!

    How to get the School App to keep up-to-date with school information


FREE Covid Self-Test Kits!

Scan the QR code, bitly link or email Diana Baldwin to place an order

Our school's Vision & Mission

Kailua High School Parent Support Groups (Virtual)

We offered Virtual Parent Support Groups during the SY 2020-21. Please see the flyer to the left for topics discussed.  The recordings are available below.  

Re: Kailua HS Family Resource Center - Invitation to edit (2020-11-18 at 20:48 GMT-8)

 Parent Support Group Recording 11/18/20

"The Impact of COVID-19 Stress on Students and Families"

Recording of 11/18/20 Session

How Chronic Stress Affects Your Brain

TWO Parent Group Video #2 Dec 2 2020 Motivating Students to Learn

Parent Support Group Recording 12/2/20

"Motivating Students to Learn"

THREE Parent Group Video #3 Jan 6, 2021 Juggling work & Assisting Students

Parent Support Group Recording 1/6/21

"Juggling Work & Assisting Students"

FOUR Parent Support Video 4 Anxiety, Depression & Mental Health

Parent Support Group Recording 1/20/21

"Anxiety, Depression and Mental Health"

FIVE Parent Group Video #5 Feb 2, 2021 Positive Parenting & Discipline

Parent Support Group Recording 2/3/21

"Positive Parenting and Discipline"

SIX Parent Group Video #6 Feb 17, 2021 Self-Care for Self and Family

Parent Support Group Recording 2/17/21

"Self-care for Self and Family"

We are located in 

Room F-23.  

Come check us out!

We are here to support you!


Be prepared!


Please do your part to conserve our water!





You Matter! Health Resource Card (August 2021)
Search Effectively with Google - Handout.pdf

Some great pointers to use when doing Google Searches 

from our School Librarian 

Donna Takara