Click on my virtual office above to access my 

"one stop shop" for all your counseling needs!

Ms. Ragasa (A-0)

Aloha Mai Kākou,

My name is Luana Ragasa (aka Ms. Ragasa)! 

I’m so excited to be a part of the Creative Media ‘Ohana. I believe that having the knowledge, tools, and experiences that this academy can provide through it’s direct program paths are truly invaluable in the future world of work. I believe the knowledge gained by our unique classes, and showing creativity in one’s work can be a great asset to offer any job. It can even lead to jumpstarting one’s very own business!

I used my own experience of creative media from elementary and high school, to quickly move into a manager’s position after working as a guest service agent in the hospitality industry. Soon after my hire, management saw my potential to create advertisements, websites, refurbish social media platforms, and quickly navigate computer programs. I became a manager in the hospitality industry which involved marketing, sales, communications, and managing other employees. I never thought that my passion for media, specifically broadcast media, production, and graphic design would lead to a successful career in our profitable hospitality industry in Hawai’i.

With that said, it was always my passion to work with young adults and give back to my community. I moved up the ladder of the hospitality industry using my creative passion, which aided me financially to continue my education and schooling to become a school counselor. It was important to always inspire myself everyday, using my passion and creativity, which in turn inspired others around me too! I encourage our students to inspire themselves, see the beauty in their everyday work, and to consistently work on themselves and their future by soaking in all this academy has to offer!                                         

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece & a work in 

progress simultaneously”  - Sophia Bush

Mrs. Kaji-Covey (P-Z)

My name is Mrs. Kaji-Covey! 

I am thrilled to be a part of the Academy of Creative Media team! I believe that our students have a unique opportunity to gain practical experiences and skills that prepare them to face the demands of our ever-evolving society. With our various programs of studies available, our academy empowers every student to foster their creativity skills, which are fundamental to problem-solving and critical for perceiving challenges from innovative perspectives. With the tools, skills, and knowledge they acquire during their time in our academy, our students will be well-equipped to become leaders and changemakers in our community and beyond. 

Helping others has always been my passion, and I knew that I wanted a career path that involved positively impacting the community. After obtaining my undergraduate degree, I began my journey by becoming a case manager, where I had the pleasure of forming meaningful and professional relationships with families from diverse backgrounds. However, my desire to work with students led me to pursue my passion and become a school counselor. 

As a school counselor, I am privileged to work with students in nurturing their creative problem-solving abilities and encourage them to take risks and explore new horizons. One of the most fulfilling aspects of working with our students in the academy is witnessing their growth and success as they navigate the challenges of their academic journey. I am honored to be part of our students educational journey.

Click on my virtual office above to access my 

"one stop shop" for all your counseling needs!