2022 - 2023 School Year

Sculpting with clay

At left: Briana Tsue works with air dry clay to make animal figurines.

“A great sculpture can roll down a hill
without breaking.”
— Michelangelo

Building with low fire ceramics. Some techniques like slab building and pinch pots are covered. Student's artwork at right show rainbow glazing.

Artist tip:

When joining ceramic clay pieces together they need to be scored first. Wetting the pieces with water or slip helps to ensure a good join. Smooth over the joint with your finger or a clay tool.

Colby's self standing cat

Alexys and Eryn hanging out in art club.

A variety of projects

At left: Maria made a Totorro like character.

Below: Dylan and Mikala sketch and paint.

The making of a bowl

Ezekiel learns to wrap a slab of clay around a form to make a bowl.


Makana and Cryslynn inspire each other.