Social Emotional Skills

What you can do as a parent to increase positive behaviors

Kid President: 

20 Things We Should Say More Often

The world would be a better place if we said these to each other more

What are some of the important social emotional skills and habits for my child to learn?

Self Awareness/Social Awareness

Knowing how our actions affect others


To change your mood, change your mindset

Delaying Gratification

Being able to have patience helps foster perseverance and grit

Growth Mindset

Believe in yourself and be willing to work hard to reach your goals.


Practicing gratitude is a conscious habit that opens the door to joy.

Stop Complaining

Complaining is annoying and attracts unhappiness

When Things Go Wrong...

What to do when things go wrong - how to pick yourself up

Stop Making Excuses/Own Your Actions

Taking responsibility for what I do and growing from it

What is Character?

There are good and bad character traits - who do you want to be?

3 Dudes Who Never Gave Up

Perseverance: Colonel Sanders, Nick Vujicic, and Thomas Edison

Learning from Teamwork

Learn to listen, to talk, to think and to build self-confidence

Get Organized

Establish a daily routine, manage your time, get organized, think ahead