
Hello, and welcome to my blog The Art Of Listening! You can call me Piando. I am a high school junior currently studying in the United States, and have grown up listening to K-pop since elementary school. This blog is meant to serve as a platform for discussion and analysis of musical and visual production, industry history, and more within the K-pop industry in specific. You can submit requests for posts with the button below. Take a tour of the blog, read a review, and come back to talk about it! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, I hope you have a wonderful day!

¡Hola, y bienivenidos a mi blog The Art of Listening! Me llamo Piando. Soy en el penultimo ano de la escuela secundaria, y estudio en los Estados Unidos. Desde la escuela primaria, yo he estado escuchando la musica de K-pop. Este blog es una plataforma para discutir y analizar el produccion musical y visual, la historia de la industria, y mas sobre K-pop. Puede entregar una formulario para pedir solicitudes debajo. Por favor, hace un tour de mi blog, lee una resena, y regresa para hablarlo. ¡Gracias! Espero que tiene una buena dia.