Apples -- Journal of Applied Language Studies
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR A SPECIAL ISSUE on Language Education for Social Justice
Deadline for abstract submission: June 15, 2021
Deadline for submissions of manuscripts: October 31, 2021
We warmly invite all those who submitted an abstract to the Language Education for Social Justice conference to contribute to the special thematic issue on Language Education for Social Justice for Apples, the Journal of Applied Language Studies.
The submissions should offer previously neglected perspectives on language education for social justice. They could, for instance, offer discussions and analyses (in the form of research articles, opinion papers, methodological papers, or other genres) in response to the following questions:
How can language education be a space where students and teachers learn together to see and challenge existing patterns of privilege and injustice?
What is needed to support teachers in promoting linguistic and cultural equity and equip them to support each other in developing respective pedagogies?
How can research look at and beyond language in education with the goal of being a catalyst for critical thinking, democracy, equity, and peace?
How can language education and research support, respect, and better understand each other with the goal of making language education more equal and accessible for all learners?
How can both education and research turn a critical eye on themselves to recognize their complicity in perpetuating injustices – and learn to do better?
Apples - The Journal of Applied Language Studies is a peer-reviewed, international, open access journal housed by the University of Jyväskylä. It publishes articles with a critical approach to language and communication in social contexts, for instance in the areas of language education, multilingualism, multiliteracies, assessment, (social) media communication and discourses, and language (education) policies. The working language of the journal is English but papers can also be published in other languages. (Please be in touch with Apples for more information if you intend to publish in a language other than English.)
If you are interested in submitting an article to this special issue, please email a 300-word abstract to the guest editors (see below for contact info) by June 15, 2021. The final manuscripts should be submitted via the Apples electronic platform at by October 31, 2021. All submissions will undergo anonymous peer review.
Please contact us with any questions you may have concerning this special issue, we are happy to help. We look forward to your contributions!
Guest editors
Johanna Saario, University of Jyväskylä,
Johanna Ennser-Kananen, University of Jyväskylä,
Sari Sulkunen, University of Jyväskylä,
For more information about Apples -- Journal of Applied Language Studies, please visit