300-Hour Teacher Training

Our Teacher Training is recognized by the World Yoga Federation This international organization recognizes JBRYS as an authentic yoga and yoga education provider. Additionally, Yoga Alliance has approved all of our teacher training programs and we are in compliance with their elevated standards.  

Join Our 300-Hour Teacher Training Graduates!


This comprehensive 300-hour training is focused on providing teachers with a toolbox of information that will allow them to teach to various populations and special circumstances the focus of this training is teaching people, not poses. Taking the knowledge gained at the 200-hour level of asanas and making it apply to the individual student. Customizing the practice for students depending on their needs.

 This training aims to build upon the foundation begun at the 200-hour level and broaden and deepen teachers' understanding of not only the physical aspects of yoga but the philosophical ones.

 To broaden the understanding that the science of yoga is much more than the physical asanas. by introducing in-depth studies of pranayama and meditation and philosophy and more, trainees will be able to discover these deeper aspects.


What You will learn:

About Your Facilitator: Nicole Hayman-Sherman

Nicole is a Registered Yoga Teacher (ERYT500) and a Grand Master of Yoga through the World Yoga Federation. She has been teaching in CNY for 12 years, having over 8000+ hours of teaching experience.  Nicole has 1300+ hours of training, including 300 hours of yoga therapy-based training. Additionally, Nicole is a registered children’s yoga teacher (RCYT), a registered prenatal yoga teacher (RPYT) a certified meditation teacher (CMT), and a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (YACEP). Nicole is also a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists and an Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist. She is also the facilitator of JBYS’s Yoga Teacher Training Programs. Nicole has mentored yoga instructors across the US & Canada as well as in the UK. Nicole previously spent 30+ years in marketing, sales & public relations in the Mohawk Valley, owning her own marketing consulting business, working as a regional manager for the local cable company, and years in sales management positions. After practicing yoga almost her entire life, Nicole decided to make a life-changing decision, to pursue becoming a certified yoga teacher-completing her initial 300-hour certification in 2012. In January 2013, she became the Owner and President of Just Breath Yoga Studio, where she had been teaching since completing her certification. Nicole received her Children's Yoga Certification in May 2013, her Meditation Teacher Certification in April 2014, completing her 500 training and receiving her designation in February 2015, and her Prenatal Yoga Certification in August 2015. She reached the E-RYT 500 level, which recognizes having taught 2500 hours of yoga in 2017. in 2022, she completed 300 hours of yoga therapy training as well as her Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist training.  In addition to the classes, she has taught at Just Breathe Yoga Studio, Nicole has also taught as an adjunct faculty member at Mohawk Valley Community College, been an instructor for Madison-Oneida BOCES, and taught a regular Senior Stretch Yoga class at Ava Dorfman Senior Center. She has also been involved in various other local programs, such as teaching yoga for the Rome Art & Community Center’s Teen Summer camp, and a facility introduced special instructor for Annsville Residential Center for Girls and several others. Having memories of doing yoga with her mother at 3 years of age, and almost 50 years of yogic practice has allowed Nicole to experience various styles of yoga, including Hatha, Iyengar, Power, White Lotus, Bikram, ISHTA, Kripalu, Vinyasa, Restorative, and Yin. It is this experience she brings to her teaching of yoga.

2024-25 Training Begins September 21st, 2024

Regular Tuition is $3500.  

Payment Plans are available.

 A $500 Scholarship is Available.  MUST Apply & Show Need.

Class Size is LIMITED

 Discount tuition: $3250**

 if registered by July 19, 2024


What Our Graduates Have to Say:


I am incredibly grateful to be studying under Nicole at Just Breathe Yoga Studio. Her offerings are full of knowledge, wisdom, and fulfillment 


I enjoyed my time with Nicole and everyone at the school. She was extremely knowledgeable in all aspects and very accommodating to my needs. The school is very clean and they take everyone’s health and well-being seriously, I have never felt more safe and secure in any location since the pandemic started. I would strongly recommend this program and studio to anyone at anytime. 


I would highly recommend JBRYS 300YTT for any teachers looking to level up their teaching or deepen their practice. I’ve grown tremendously throughout this training, not only in my knowledge and skill teaching but also personally in my day-to-day life and personal yoga practice. Nicole, the lead instructor, makes you feel welcome and cares about you. Each student gets peer feedback as well as instructor support. There are options within the program that allow you to deepen your study of a particular area of yoga. This final project/workshop lets each student get what they want out of the program! 

Are YOU Ready to LEVEL UP?