Why Join the PTA?

Juanita El You Belong In PTA logo

The Juanita Elementary PTA is a part of the LWPTSA which serves 44 PTA's and PTSA's within the Lake Washington School District. 

The PTA's exclusive interest is the health, welfare, safety, and education of your children. Your membership, donations, and involvement with our school have a direct impact on your children and the quality of our school. The more engaged and involved we are as a school community, the more our students and our school will thrive.

PTSA memberships last one school year. All memberships expire on June 30 each year. 

Why join the PTA?

Your membership actively supports the work the Juanita El PTA does and gives you the ability to vote on important decisions affecting Juanita El students (voting is done during PTA membership meetings). 

And a few more added benefits:

Join today to be part of the largest child advocacy group in the nation, and the largest non-profit volunteer organization in Washington State. 

If you would like to join the PTA but cost is a barrier, please reach out to info@juanitaelpta.com about membership scholarship options.

Juanita El PTA LWPTSA link
Juanita El WSPTA link
Juanita El National PTA link