KG-2nd Grade Concert

         The Great Outdoors

Pinewood Elementary- Monday, April 15th 7:00pm at the JCA  (students report at 6:40pm)

Sandy Hill Elementary- Wednesday, April 17th  7:00pm at the JCA (students report at 6:40pm)

**We need lots of parent volunteers to usher for these concerts. 

If you are able to help, please email me at

KG-2nd Grade Songs

The Great Outdoors to Me

with teacher vocals

The Great Outdoors to Me

Karaoke (without vocals)

Great Outdoors to Me

Karaoke (with motions)


Use your finger or a pencil as your glow stick when practicing.

Kindergarten Grade Songs

A Camping We Will Go

with teacher vocals

A Camping We Will Go

Karaoke, no vocals

Turkey Mountain

with teacher vocals

Turkey Mountain

Karaoke, no vocals

1st Grade Songs

Ode to a Marshmallow

with teacher vocals

Ode to a Marshmallow

Karaoke, no vocals

Follow the Sun

Bell song

2nd Grade Songs

I Love the Mountains

(Motions and teacher vocals)

I Love the Mountains

(Motions, no vocals)

Goin' to a National Park

with teacher vocals

Goin' to a National Park

Karaoke, no vocals