Jorj Wilfrid created the total artwork brand "JOTY JOYC" based on his favorite genres of clothing, artwork, photography, film, and sound. His mission is to produce refined work regardless of the era, using a design language called 'Miyabi,' which means refinement in English.


Jorj Wilfrid a créé la marque d'art total "JOTY JOYC" en s'inspirant de ses genres préférés de vêtements, d'artwork, de photographie, de film et de son, avec pour mission de produire des œuvres raffinées quelle que soit l'époque, en utilisant un langage de design appelé "Miyabi", qui signifie raffinement en japonais.


Producing a refined work no matter the era


Our brand aspires to be the top choice for art lovers and collectors by offering a diverse collection of inspirational artwork


"Miyabi", refinement in English

Five keywords supporting its value

: Dignity

: Gravity

:  Solemnity

: Urbanity

:  Intrepidity