Mental Health & Wellness

Mental Health Resources

Jordan Health & Wellness is comprised of a team of wellness and mental health specialists. On their website, you can find many helpful resources and information, including a list of local mental health providers. 

SafeUT is a 24/7 crisis tip line. Submit a tip using their app or website.

Community Health Resources

We have resources available for parents and students who would like help navigating the process of accessing mental health services.  Our district has several options available or we can assist you in finding a therapist in the community.  Schedule a meeting with one of our school Mental Health Therapists to discuss the options and find what works best for your family's needs.  

Our school Mental Health Therapists: 

Lindy Christensen

 Amanda Leavitt

Jordan Family Education Center

Winter 2024 - Free Classes

Class Descriptions Winter 2024.pdf
Schedule Winter 2024.pdf


Introduction to Meditation

Meditation/Breathing Exercises

What are anxiety & depression?

Need help sleeping?