Mindfulness Resources

Mindfulness and Gratitude

Gratitude - Write down three names

Gratitude - Three things to consider

Gratitude - Three facts to ponder

Have students pull out a sheet of paper and give this assignment:

1-Write down something you can see right now.

2-Write down something you can hear right now.

3-Write down something you can touch right now.

4-Write down something you can smell.

5-Write down how you feel right now.

Mindfulness/STOP skills


S: Stop. Whatever you’re doing, just pause momentarily. 

T: Take a breath. Re-connect with your breath. The breath is an anchor to the present moment. 

O: Observe. Notice what is happening. What is happening inside you, and outside of you? Where has your mind gone? What do you feel? What are you doing? 

P: Proceed. Continue doing what you were doing. Or don’t: Use the information gained during this check-in to change course. Whatever you do, do it mindfully. 

Cognitive Behvaioral Therapy Los Angeles

3 Mindfulness Stretches

Muscle Relaxation

Color Breathing

Ask your students to think of a relaxing color and another color that represents anger, frustration, or sadness. Now, have your students close their eyes and imagine they are breathing in the relaxing color and letting it fill their entire bodies. On the exhale, ask them to picture the “negative” color leaving their body and dissipating throughout the room.

 Shark Fin (2 minutes)

Coined by former Mindful Schools co-founder Laurie Gossman and Mr. Musumeci’s Grade 5 class of the book “Master of Mindfulness: How to Be Your Own Superhero in Times of Stress fame, the Shark Fin is a fantastic tool that you can use during any quick moment in your day. It will help to calm your class, or individual students, when their minds and bodies may be fighting against them.

Heartbeat (5 min)

Our heartbeat is an amazing representation of our emotions. Like our breath, it is always with us. So, we can use our heartbeat to connect with the present moment in times of difficulty or stress.

4-7-8 Breathing

One Minute Meditation

One Minute Meditations 

with Nature Sounds

Ocean Sounds

Ambient Music
