Course Descriptions

Reading/Advanced Reading:

This class will provide a strong foundation in reading skills that will help students read a variety of different texts. Today's students will need to rely on strong reading skills to learn about the world around them and prepare them for future success. We will be reading from several quality informational and literary texts throughout the year. Close reading and annotating texts to use these texts as evidence in our thinking and analysis. We will be be building and improving these skills all year long. Daily independent reading will be vital to growth as a reader. Teacher, family, and especially the student will work to improve reading skills and succeed in the many tasks that require reading abilities. Most importantly, students will hopefully develop,or add to, a strong love for reading. Jane Austen says it best by stating, "I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!"

Language Arts ALPS:

Seventh graders will get an intensive focus on writing, reading, and communication in this class. We will be covering the standards outlines in ELA Utah Core Curriculum. They will be expected to write almost every single day in class as they practice and fine tune their ideas and their writer's craft. We will look at model texts to inspire and illustrate quality writing. As students take their writing through the different stages of the writing process they will have several chances to conference and collaborate about how to revise and improve their work. We will be frequently using online tools like Google Classroom, Newsela, Commonlit, and Utah Compose as an online tool to provide immediate feedback and chances to revise and improve specific writing skills.

We will be reading from several quality informational and literary texts throughout the year. Close reading and annotating texts to use these texts as evidence in our thinking and analysis. We will be be building and improving these skills all year long.

2022-2023 Thomas Syllabus.docx
Thomas Assessing Student Behaviors That Support Learning