Joni's Wish

Written by Jon Phillips | Illustrated by Candace Camling

It was finally the big day, and Joni was about to get her first bicycle. But when Joni found out her neighbor Carl could not ride with her, it made her quite sad. Joni continued hoping that Carl would one day be able to ride a bike with her. Unbeknownst to Joni, someone heard about her wish, and it was granted! Every child deserves a chance. Come join Joni and Carl on their first bike journey together.

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About the author

Growing up, Jon would read anything he could get his hands on. He always envisioned himself writing his own book one day. As an analytical thinker, books were a place his imagination could run free.

Learn more about Jon.


Variety - the Children's Charity is a multi-faceted organization with one simple mission: To help improve the lives of children who are at-risk, underprivileged, critically ill or living with special needs throughout Iowa.