History of the jonesboro band

The Beginnings of Bands in the Jonesboro Schools

by Charles W. Gregg

(All dates are approximate - as memories recall)

George Graves was the founder and first director. He formed the "Jonesboro Boys Band" around 1929-1930 or so. This was made of local self-taught musicians in the area. George recruited students for private lessons - sold them instruments from the "Melody Music Shop" in Memphis, gave them 10 lessons and put them in the band. Band instruments at that time were probably in the $35.00-$40.00 price range. The band rehearsed about once a week in the old American Legion Hall (located on Washington Street where St. Bernards Auditorium is now). He continued to teach private lessons as income. A personal note - my parents bought a used trumpet for me from an in-law for $25.00. J. H. Hamm gave me private lessons - he was probably the finest trumpet player in the area at that time. When he thought I was good enough, he took me to the Jonesboro Boys Band rehearsals and I became a member.

Miss Annie Camp was Junior High School principal at the time and was very interested in having a band at her school. She persuaded George Graves to start a band at the Junior High. This was about 1933-34. As I recall, students paid tuition of $3.00 a month to be in the band, and this was the director's salary. After the Junior High Band was established, Mr. Lloyd Goff (the high school principal) persuaded George to start a band at the high school, as the Junior High Band Members went into the high school. This was around 1936-37. I think the monthly tuition continued as the director's salary George Graves started another business (I think he sold insurance and investments, but I'm not sure). Mr. E.B McDowell succeeded as Band Director; I am not sure how long he stayed.

I don't have information on the "War Years." Nick Rohulick was a the Junior High School and later at the High School. Harvey Hickey had a local advertising business and played drums. He directed the High School Band

in 1945-46 (maybe earlier). Charles Gregg was hired for the 1946-47 school year a a guaranteed salary of $200.00 per month. Gregg left in April of 1947 to play in a touring dance band booked out of Chicago. Leroy Scott finished that year and probably stayed for the next school year. I think Neal Bunn followed him for a year or two. From conversations I have had with band members and directors of that era, there were several changed through 1950 and after.

Anyway, that is how the bands got started (as my memory and research has served).

From those beginnings, the band program in the Jonesboro Schools developed into the great bands that are here now. I wish that I could list all of the past directors, but I'm sure i would leave some out that had a part.

I want to thank Ed Cherry (a member of the original band), former directors John Fortenberry and Al Poston. I also had conversations with some members of the "early bands," including Mrs. Al (Jean) Kopert, Martha Caldwell, Billy Joe Emerson, Charles Metzler, Dr. A. B. (Buddy) Weir, Bobby Wood, and Tom Robinson.

These recollections compiled by Charles W. Gregg

1944 Jonesboro Junior High School Band