
8th Grade

Details below outline the resource options that you need to use for your projects

Searching Tips

  • Look at your Note Sheet to make sure you are looking for the right information

  • When you find information make a note of where you got it from

      • "Google" is not a valid source!!

  • Use KEYWORDS when searching - it makes things easier

  • Look BELOW for some useful links to great resources

Art Career Research

Encyclopedias and Books (for general knowledge)

  • Search books in the JSHS Media Center:

    • Click the link above and search for your topic

    • Write down the Call Number, e.g. 701.1 Ric, and come to the Media Center to find the book

Databases (more specific information)

In each of these places find the search bar and search for your career

Websites (general information to fill any gaps)