Third Grade Anchor Books for Wit and Wisdom Reading Units

The Sea

Amos and Boris

Giant Squid:  Searching for a Sea Monster

Shark Attack!

The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau

Ocean Sunlight:  How Tiny Plants Feed the Seas

Outer Space

Starry Messenger:  Galileo Galilei

Moonshot:  The Flight of Apollo 11

One Giant Leap

Zathura:  A Space Adventure

A New Home

The Keeping Quilt

Coming to America:  The Story of Immigration

Grandfather's Journey

Tea with Milk

Family Pictures (English and Spanish)

Artists Make Art

Emma's Rug

When Marian Sang:  The True Recital of Marian Anderson, the Voice of the Century

Actin Jackson

A River of Words:  The Story of William Carlos Williams

Alvin Alley