Transitional Kindergarten

Mrs. Veree Madden

2023 - 2024

Email me here! 

We have changed our schedule again slightly. We moved our second PE day to Thursdays and Big Buddies to Fridays.

Thank you to everyone who came to the annual Family Breakfast. If you are in Grocery Outlet, say thanks to the owners, Aaron and Becky for donating all of the items for the breakfast. And also to my team for helping out Mrs. Bush/Kindergarten, Mrs. Wynn (my daughter)/1st grade, Mrs. Brazynetz (soon to be Mrs. Carrillo/2nd grade

We will be starting a new Unit of Study for the next 4-6 weeks, BALLS.

Updated September  24, 2023

TK Daily Schedule


8:00-8:25 Come to School/Breakfast and/or Recess

8:25-8:35 Morning Ceremony

8:35-8:40 Arrival/sign in/table toys

8:40-8:50 Large Group/Read Aloud

8:50-9:40 Choice Time/Clean Up

9:40-9:55 Recess/Kindergarten Playground

9:55-10:05 Wash/Snack

10:05-11:05 Small Group/Clean Up 

11:10-12:00 Lunch/Recess/Primary Playground

12:05-12:35 Writing

12:35-1:25 Choice Time/Clean Up

1:25-2:00 Science/SS/Cooking/VAPA/PE

2:00-2:30 Snack/Large Group/Read Aloud/Movie

2:30-2:35 Pack Up/Home

Choir-Tuesdays 10:05-10:35

Library-Tuesdays 1:15-1:45

6th grade Big Buddies-Fridays 1:45-2:15

Computer Lab-Wednesdays 12:45-1:15

PE-Wednesday and Thursdays  1:30-2

*Mondays-early release at 1:25

Thursday mornings-my before school yard duty 8:00-8:23