What is our house system?

The West Clayton house system is a community-building project that fosters school relationships regardless of grade-level or background. Every student and staff member is sorted into one of our six houses when they begin their journey with West Clayton and work to exemplify the traits that are most highly valued by that house. Individuals will represent that house throughout their journey with our school and work together to ensure their house is best represented.

Students can earn points by exemplifying house traits. Students who exemplify these traits may be granted the honor of being a house exemplar. House exemplars may earn a large sum of points for their house during our house rallies each Friday.

Click the button below to learn more about how our houses work and learn more about each house.

What is a house rally?

West Clayton’s house rallies are a time to celebrate the achievements of both the staff and the students. During a normal year, everyone would gather in the gym to be with their house and celebrate their peers. Virtual house rallies are live-streamed through YouTube. Either way, they still give recognition to all house exemplars and the wheel is spun for each exemplar to gain points for their house. At the end, the houses are announced in order of their points. Students love to hear the names of their peers and teachers during the rallies and are eager to hear where their house is ranked on the leader board!

Click the button below to watch and learn more about our house rallies.