Honors Chemistry

Honors Chemistry 2019-2020 Syllabus


Welcome to chemistry! I hope you are as excited as I am to begin this course. This chemistry course encourages students to continue their investigation of the structure of matter with chemical reactions along with the conservation of energy in these reactions. Inquiry is applied to the study of the transformation, composition, structure and properties of substances. The course focuses on basic chemical concepts and incorporates activities that promote investigations to reinforce the concepts. ​

This course/subject will be different from what you've taken in the past. You cannot memorize or fly high in this class without changing how you study. Chemistry is an application based subject and you must do the work to understand and get the grade you want.

Contact Information:

Remind 101 - Click here to join or text @bednarsci to 81010. This is the BEST way to get class announcements/reminders and to contact me.

Email- AmandaBednar@johnston.k12.nc.us

Phone- (919) 553-4064 ext 1526

Google Classroom Code - nu5wwa All students must join classroom for this course.

Powerschool - I keep my grades updated in powerschool. ALL parents are strongly encouraged to check your child's powerschool weekly.

Online Agenda

Below is our classrooms online agenda. This is where students (and parents) will find out what we are doing in class each week. I update this document daily and make changes to it often, so please check it regularly. This is also where you will go to find any missed work due to absences and class material.

Chemistry Honors Agenda_Fall2019

Classroom Expectations

**Cell Phone Policy**

Cell phones are a BIG part of our lives. Everyone is connected to them 24/7. This being the case, when you are in a chemistry classroom, your cell phone must be kept in your bag or pocket (this also pertains to earbuds/headphones ).

  • Cell phones may be used to answer a call/text from a parent/family member if need be.
  • Cell phones may also be used to play a game or do an assignment in class (the teacher will give you directions to do so).
  • Cell phones should not be used any other time other than what is listed above.

Please be respectful of this policy. I plan to show you the same respect as you show me and your classmates.

**Classroom Norms**

Chemistry is one of the most inquisitive, application based, difficult course offered at CHS. To succeed in this class you must dedicate time EVERY day to thoroughly practice and review. Also be sure to remember the following:

  • Respect self, others, and property.
  • COME TO CLASS and be on time.
  • Bring all necessary materials to class .
  • Take responsibility for your education. Cheating on an assessment, copying another student’s independent practice, or allowing your work to be copied is cause for receiving a F and detention.
  • Study, study, study!!
  • Respect the educational process, you are in COMET country! You are the example. :)


Johnston County Attendance Policy

Students may only miss 4 classes per semester (8 per quarter). If a student misses anymore (excused/unexcused) their grade will be changed to a 59% ( F ). Student may also be subjected to the waiver process if they have 5 or more absences.

2 tardy's will equal 1 absence and result in detention (when they become excessive).

Comet time tutorials may be scheduled by the teacher/student to help remediate and earn back time. 2 constructive comet time tutorials can equal up to 1 day back.

2019-2020 CHS Chemistry Department

Grading Policy

Overall grades are calculated on a points based system. The value of each individual assignment varies. Students earn a grade based on the quality and accuracy of the work they complete. Overall class grades are based on how many total points a student has earned vs how many total points were possible to earn.

Homework/Independent Practice is not graded but is checked. A student may be scheduled for a tutorial during COMET time and unable to reassess if homework assignments have not been completed.

Late work is not tolerated but will be accepted up to the end of the 9 week grading period. If a student is missing an assignment or is habitually turning in things late, it may result in required COMET time tutorials and parent/coach conferences.


**Click here to access the reassessment form!**

Students have 1 week after an assessment is returned to request a reassessment.

Students must first fill out the reassessment form before they are able to retake an assessment.

The following rules need to be applied before an assessment can be retaken:

Form must be filled out ENTIRELY (including error analysis).

Student must not be missing any homework or classroom assignments.

Student attends at least 1 COMET time tutorial prior to the reassessment.

The highest grade is always recorded, even if a student makes a lower score the second time.

100% credit recovery is given

Student Materials Needed for Class

3 or 5 subject notebook (with pockets)

Composition notebook

Pens and Pencils

Graphing or Scientific Calculator

Colored Pencils or Markers

Glue Stick

Post it Notes

Classroom Wishlist Materials

Pack of Colored Paper

Colored Cardstock

Clorox Wipes

Paper Towels

Box of Tissues

Dawn Dish Soap

Hand Soap

Plastic Dish Drying Rack

Learning Targets

Chemistry Honors Learning Targets