Coach Bailey
Contact Me:
Phone: (919)553-4064; EXT 1597
Twitter: @CoachBailey88
About Me:
I believe that is hard to learn from someone that you know so little about! I am a Clayton High Graduate, which is something I am very proud of (hopefully you will be as well)! I went to Campbell University, where I played football. I went on to finish my education at East Carolina University.
Not only am I passionate about teaching, I absolutely love coaching, specifically football. The sport of football taught me how to work on a team, to strive for greatness and never give up. My goal is to give back to the game by coaching our youth, and helping them achieve their goals.
In my personal life, I have a beautiful wife, who is also a teacher (3rd grade). We have two dogs; one is a Belgian Malinois, while the other is Pit-bull/Hound mix. I am an Uncle to 2 beautiful girls, Kherington & Quinn, one awesome boy named Wallace (and I have another nephew that will hopefully be born on September 10th)! Outside of watching movies, I thoroughly enjoy watching the following sports: football, basketball, baseball, UFC & hockey! My wife & I attend church here in Clayton (Trinity Church of Clayton)! Anything else you would like to know......just ask!!
My favorite sports teams:
- NFL: Washington Redskins
- NBA: Boston Celtics
- NHL: Boston Bruins
- MLB: Atlanta Braves
- College: N.C State
My Top Movies:
- The Godfather
- Gladiator
- American Gangster
- Goodfellas
- Pulp Fiction
- Friday Night Lights
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
My Top 5 Musical Artists
- Jay-Z
- Ottis Redding
- B.B King
- Notorious B.I.G
- Kendrick Lamar
Currently Reading
- "Do you Love Football?!" by Jon Gruden
Just Finished Reading
- "The Shinning" by Stephen King