The Dragon Dispatch - Special Edition - Summit Madness!!!!!

Who Will Win???  Predictions from Summit Staff!

by Bilkiisa T.

Mrs. Pettaway

Who will you be cheering for?

Mrs. Pettaway - I will cheer for both teams!  I want everyone to have fun!!

Are you going to participate in this event?

Mrs. Pettaway - I will be playing in the 5 on 5 basketball game.

Who do you think will win?

Mrs. Pettaway - Teachers, duh!   😉

What do you think the score will be?

Mrs. Pettaway - 67-55

Mr. Potthoff

Who will you be cheering for?

Mr. Potthoff -  I will be cheering for the teachers. 

Are you going to participate in this event?

Mr. Potthoff - Yes, I plan on playing in the basketball game.  

Who do you think will win?

Mr. Potthoff - Teachers will win!!

What do you think the score will be?

Mr. Potthoff - 45 - 29

Watch this video of Miss Collins to see her predictions for Summit Madness!