
~Why Girls Should Be Allowed To Wear 2 piece Swimsuits in P.E~

By: Sarah T

My opinion: I think girls should be allowed to wear 2 piece swimsuits, because sometimes 1 piece swimsuits can be uncomfortable to swim in. I think that we should have the option to choose between one piece or two piece swimsuits. Obviously we shouldn’t wear anything inappropriate to school.

Gabby G’s Opinion: I think it should be your choice because some people prefer one or the other. Also because they can be uncomfortable to swim in. And I feel like we should have a choice because the boys get to choose what they wear and we have to wear one piece.

My opinion about Christmas

by Maddix

My opinion about Christmas is that I think that more people should celebrate it because Christmas is a holiday that brings joy to everyone around the world. I also think that more people should celebrate it because you not only get joy but you can also give joy to other people in your family or even some of your friends. There is also more to Christmas than just giving and receiving presents. There is also getting to enjoy time with your friends and family, there’s drinking nice hot cocoa on a nice Christmas morning. You can also enjoy a nice Christmas feast with your family.

A lot of people like to go on vacations to go see their loved ones that they don’t get to see as often, like how I’m going to Sidney Nebraska to go see my grandpa. You are not only respecting the people you love, but you are also respecting our god because Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. As you may have noticed the word Christmas has the word Christ in it (“Christ-mas”). Christmas is very important to people that go to church every day. This is because a Church is where people gather to study the life of Jesus and how he was the Son Of God. That is my opinion about Christmas.


By Harris

So today I asked 3 people in my class about school lunch. The first kid was Jackson he likes hamburgers it is his favorite. Next I asked Keyshawn he didn’t have an favorite but he like walking tacos. Last but no least we have Adrian he likes potato and gravy and that it.

Phones at Lunch

By:Grady Kruse

For some their phone is addicting and shouldn’t have it but sometimes people need them. Like if their iPad died and they don’t have a charger they can use their phone if they can use it for what they need to so they don’t fall behind in class. Maybe you lost your iPad you could ask your teacher to use your phone.

Some need to calm their body and watching their phone helps. Also you need it for safety reasons like if I don’t feel good and the nurse is busy with another person or the nurses phone broke you could use your phone to call your Mom or your Dad.

Thanks For Reading!

Is Christmas the best holiday?

by Elliott S.


In my Opinion, it is not the best holiday. Though there are fun things to do on Christmas, there’s no haunted houses.

One reason it is not my favorite holiday is because Halloween is my favorite, though I myself don’t know why I favor Halloween over Christmas. Christmas does have more festivities. Another reason is that I think most of the fun is thinking of what costume you will wear. And then figuring out how to do it .

That is why I like Halloween more than Christmas.

But that’s just an opinion

Others opinions

Harris’s opinion

It is kind of mid for me


Grady’s opinion



( these were both in their words)


By: Benjamin Smajic

I think that summit should have more recess time because there are 7 hours of school and 20 min of recess, we need some more break from all the work we are doing.

By the time kids get home from school they have no time to play in the outdoors because it will mostly turn dark by the time they go outside.

Weights Should Be Allowed In P.E


I think p.e should have weights in p.e. They should have all different types of weights. The Reason why they should have weights in p.e is because it i

mproves brain function. Which helps with mental health. Also after lifting weights can help with focusing in class. Also it can make you stronger. It improves bone health. Lifting weights can give you better cardiovascular health. Better flexibility and mobility. It gives you a longer lifespan.

There should be a pool at school?

by Eli H.

A pool at school is really fun.It can help you get ur heart pumping,get some exercise and it’s a pe thing.a lot of people like to swim at school and do activities to play with.you can jump off diving boards,play with rings,do swimming exercises and more.

People who don’t know how to swim can learn by doing it at school.It can exercise your self and more.Most schools don’t have a pool so we’re lucky.

Do people think a pool at school is necessary?

Opinions on school related things

By Noah Pfalzgraf

This article makes school related options like food,clothing and subjects and the article show interesting options about school related questions

Favorite thing Adrian:pizza

Option on school food Adrian gross, Evan: some are bad Austin no it’s trash Ben:bad

Do you like recess Jackson yes because you can see friends from other class Maddix: yes Adrian no because they are to many kids

Favorite period of school Grady pe because at the end of the day you can play pe games with them Evan math because it’s the easiest

Favorite brand Grady Nike because it is comfy and he likes the clothing

What do you do in your free time Adrian likes to play PlayStation

Conclusion people said that school lunch is bad and some said that it was good or some are good. Most kids said that they liked recess because you can see friends and play sports and some said no. it was tied with P.E and math grady said that pe was his favorite because he can play games with friends and Evan said math because it was easy.

More recess

By Juju

I think there should be more recess time.cause every 50 minutes you need a 10 minute break,also we only have 10 minutes of recess and 7 hours of work cause we could waste all our energy and they could add 8 minutes to recess.That’s why I think there should be more recess


By Keshaun C.

My opinion paper is going to be about why we need teachers in the halls so I won’t be interviewing someone because there is no purpose so the reason for having teachers in the hall is so like when people go to the bathroom or like people say they are going to fight the teacher will stop it before they fight

The teacher in the hall would be able to watch for the kids who playing the hall and are not doing what they supposed to outside of class.

Why school lunch should be longer

By:Reece ward-Ballard

There should be 30 minute lunch time because.

Having enough time to eat lunch helps children develop their social skills; they can learn to listen, interact with others, and develop qualities such as empathy and understanding toward others. Study’s show that increased lunch time would make kids pick up more fruits and vegetables, studies also show that kids participate more if they have increased lunch time. And plus who doesn’t want to sit down and eat with their friends for 30 minutes instead of 20 minutes

30 minute lunch time=

Why the school should have a dessert tray

By Alice

I think the school should have a dessert tray because some kids may or may not have enough, or there are some kids who are very well behaved and deserve it. I think the price could be 5.00$ or more. What it would contain would maybe be scones, small pastries, cookies or any other things. Maybe even a spot where a new desert from a new country might be changed daily. But, that’s my opinion.

Summit Lunch

By Elizabeth

The food at Summit Middle School has its goods and bad. If you have school lunch, you may have had rotten food.

For instance the breadsticks (cheese in particular). The cheese has a weird consistency. And it has no flavor or anything.

And the carrots. I occasionally get rotten ones in my lunch, and I ain’t happy about it.