

It is a snack where the middle is filled with chocolate and the top is covered with a layer of chocolate and is delicious :)

$3.99 a pack

Chicharrones De Harina

It made with flour and puffed wheat and the you can put it in oil and it will turn into what is called chicharrones de Harina




They are little stcks that are spicy but have a bit of a taste of lime


$5.99 for 24 pack                 $1.00 for a 2 pack

A Gansito Is a filled snack cake that is filled with a strawberry and white cream. Then it is covered in Chocolate and chocolate sprinkles on top. It is very Good click Below to order.


$5.99 for 24 pack                     $2.00 for 4 pack

It is a marshmallow with a cookie under it and in the middle of the marshmallow there is a strawberry jelly. 



A concha is a type of bread that is covered with a crumble of cookie dough it is good with hot chocolate or coffee. It's Delicious!!!