“Every Student Thriving” 

Headteacher's Welcome

You may have noticed in the last few newsletters the title tagline of 'Every Student Thriving' in the top banner. This is , in essence our new vision statement.  The leadership team met in the Autumn term and felt that a new fresh vision was required for the school. We dug deep into our values and the passion we have for John Colet School and then in partnership with our governing board we produced a new vision statement that we believe is ambitious, fit-for-purpose and can drive John Colet forward in the context of modern society.  Everything we do will now be assessed in terms of how it is supporting every child to thrive. This is no easy feat in a complex and ever-changing world with the challenges that our young people face, but as a school we must rise to the challenge and adapt accordingly.   You will find the full statement below and I hope that this drives our ambition over the coming years to esnure that we do the best we can for the students we serve.

Mobile Phone Policy - 'no see, no hear'

At John Colet we have a 'no see, no hear' policy for mobile phones while students are on school site.  In a community of over 1000 people it would be disruptive to learning for phones to be used by students. Insisting that a parent or carer collects the phone acts as a deterrent to phones being used. 

During school hours, should you need to contact your child please telephone the School Office and we will get a message to them.  Alternatively if a student needs to contact their parent/carer they should go to the Student Support office or School Office where they can request to ring home.

Unfortunately, at times parents try to contact students directly which causes their phone to go off during lessons - this results in the student having their phone confiscated as per our school policy and it will be a parent/carer that will have to pick the mobile phone up from the School Office.   If you are unable to collect the phone please arrange for a family member, or responsible adult to collect it on your behalf.  Students will not be able to pick up their phone themselves under any circumstance.  A number of students have raised the issue of having to use their phone to pay for transport home. If this is the case the student needs to come and speak to the School Office. We will arrange for a loan which will need to be reimbursed the next day.  

Art trip to Victoria and Albert Museum

On 25th March we took two groups of our Year 10 Art students to the Victoria & Albert Museum. They spent the day drawing and photographing objects in the museum collections that they will use towards their next coursework project on Structures and Objects. They produced some excellent drawings in their sketchbooks and were a real credit to the school. 

Mr Cerioni

Fairytale Performance 

In May we performed two runs of 'A New Fairytale', this year's musical, written by our very own Year 10 student, Hayden Carey. The story showed an amalgamation of fairy tale characters in a creative story, interspersed with songs from the 60s to the modern day! Everyone involved did a phenomenal job; all of the performers demonstrated excellent talent and even more amazing confidence. The musicians performed fantastically, and created such a buzz in the musical numbers. Huge thanks to everyone involved, that is all the cast and backstage crew ranging from Year 7 through to Sixth Form, Darcey Yearley and Faith Trustram assistant directing, Mrs Young for directing, Mrs Hillwalker and Mrs Boyd-Leslie for directing the musicians and               Mr Devine on the technical side of things. 

School Attendance

As the Summer Term approaches, we hope that seasonal illnesses such as colds and sickness bugs will soon be in the distant past.  We do know that summer ailments such as hayfever can be challenging, but please do send your child in to school even if they have puffy eyes, a runny nose or other symptoms. With your consent, our medical officer can give medication during the day, so please do contact school if we can support your child in any way. If you feel a condition such as hayfever is preventing your child from attending school, please do make an urgent appointment with your GP.  This also applies to ongoing issues such as painful periods, frequent headaches and tummy aches.

As a school we are very pleased to be able to offer a wide range of exciting trips and other educational activities. We have, however, noticed that a high number of students are being reported as absent on days following trips and activities, and ask that you do not keep your child at home if they are tired or feeling a little unwell when they are due to return to school. We do know that extra curricular activities can be tiring, however I would ask you to consider whether your child will be able to manage the activity and will be able to return to school before you commit them to it.  Any absence for tiredness, or recovery from a trip or activity, will not be authorised.

We remind parents and carers that students should not miss school to go on holiday, attend family parties, celebrate a birthday, visit family or attend any event that means they will miss school.  Although we appreciate that it is important to share special moments with friends and loved ones, we ask that you take these opportunities during the many and frequent school holidays.

You may have heard in the news that legislation relating to school attendance will be changing from August 2024. Areas which have previously only been best practice will now be a legal requirement, and we are currently working through how this will work in practice for us here at John Colet.  Once we have further information we will share this with you.  We know that students have the opportunity to achieve their very best when they attend school every day and we ask that you send your child to school unless they are very unwell. 

We hope you enjoy the half term break. Other schools on our campus have an inset day at the end of the holiday, however we do not and we look forward to welcoming our students back on Monday 3rd June.

With kind regards

Di and Natalie, the Attendance Team

Vehicles on school grounds

Remember that vehicles should not be driven onto campus unless you are authorised to do so by the school office.  Please park and walk.  Unauthorised drivers are increasing the risk of accident by significantly adding to the volume of traffic.

 If authorised to do so, parents should drop-off directly in front of reception.  Please do not use the parking bays for drop-off.  The car-park directly in front of school is for staff vehicles only.

Please also be reminded that vehicle engines should be switched off when dropping off, or waiting for  students to come out of school.   Idling  causes air pollution which is harmful to the school community.  

Another busy half term with lots of activities taking place.  We are also finalising details for our work experience for Year 10 and 12 students however sadly we have some students whose placement has fallen through.  Please email tsinacore@johncolet.co.uk if you are able to help with placements for some of our Year 10 students in construction, hospitality or IT for 24th-28th June. 

There are still a few places remaining for the Bucks NHS Talks for Careers in Biomedical Science Thursday 27th June 5-7pm and Careers in Medicine Wednesday 3rd July 5-7pm. More information and booking links can be found our Futures Focus Site 


We are always keen to hear from parents, ex-students and employers that would like to come and talk to our students, please contact careers@johncolet.co.uk in the first instance.

Year 12 Young Enterprise

Well done to our Year 12 Young Enterprise Team at the recent area presentation. The team received 2 awards for Meet the Buyer and Best Technology coming third overall. Thank you to Mrs Atkinson for all her support.

Careers update

Step into NHS

Well done to three Year 8 students, Roisin Carey-Jones, Hannah Jaggers and Catherine Smythe who entered the Step Into NHS Competition.  Their recruitment video and poster for a Play Specialist was chosen as the JCS entry and has been entered into the regional competition.

Timbers trip to Ercol Factory

Our Year 10 Timbers students had a very interesting morning visiting Ercol Furniture Ltd finding out about manufacturing of wooden furniture and apprenticeship opportunities.

MACH 24 Trip

Some of our Year 10 students enjoyed a visit to the MACH 24 Exhibition at the NEC looking at various manufacturing exhibitors from a range of different sectors.

Year 7 Unifrog Champions for the summer term

Two Year 7 Unifrog Champions for the summer term.  They were the first students to complete the set activities on Unifrog and their Futures Skills Questionnaires.

School Gardening Activities

Thank you to everyone who supported our recent plant sale.  We raised £170 which will be used to fund our gardening activities for next year.  The students are keen to recycle as much as possible, especially plant pots as we use a lot of the smaller 9cm pots.  If you would like to donate any small pots we would put them to good use, please drop off at reception.

We are pleased to be supporting the Make Wendover Smile Initiative and staff and students have been busy sowing sunflower seeds ready to plant around the site. Our new Head student team helped Mr Brierly with planting sunflower seeds.  Some of our Year 9 students visited Wendover Preschool to help their children plant their sunflower seeds.

Message regarding parking at Wendover Memorial Hall car park

Good morning,

 We are writing to request your assistance in supporting the John Colet students and families to understand that the Memorial Hall car park is not suitable as a drop off or pick up zone or a pathway.  There is clear signage indicating that it is a private car park. However, it would seem that, if they are not actually parking, people think it’s ok to swing in to drop off/pick up.

The Pre-school uses the car park between 7.30am until 3.30pm with children being picked up and dropped off in between those times. We have had several incidents involving near misses and regular abuse when people are asked not to use the private car park.

The Memorial Hall Car Park is not a drop off or pick up zone or a safe pathway to the school campus.

This also applies to the Wendover Doctors surgery car park. 

Head Students

We are delighted to announce our new Head Students for the next academic year. The team were elected by students and staff.  We are confident they will be impressive role models to their peers and younger students.  

Open Monday-Friday 8.15-8.45am 

Our Nearly New Uniform Shop offers a selection of second hand blazers, jumpers, trousers, skirts, white shirts and PE kit items. Parents/carers and students can also request items via uniformshop@johncolet.co.uk and if in stock, students can come by the shop to collect them.

There will be no charge for any items, but if parents/carers would like to make a voluntary contribution this can be made via ParentMail, please see "Uniform Donation 2024" under the Payments/Shop section. Please wait until you have received the items before making any payments. This money will help cover the running costs of the shop and is greatly appreciated.

Suggested donations: Blazers £5 Skirts / trousers £2 Shirts / jumpers £1 PE Jumpers £2 PE Tops / Skorts / Shorts / PE Socks £1

We are also accepting donations of unwanted school uniform. Please leave any clean items in a bag in the Nearly New Uniform Shop box in the school reception area. For any queries please email uniformshop@johncolet.co.uk

Rewards and Consequences

It is that time of year when we are able to celebrate and recognise the achievements  and hard work of all our students.  

Our first aim is to acknowledge when our students are  ‘doing the right thing’ as often as possible and as a result our expectations regarding behaviour are clear. Praise and encouragement are vital in promoting good behaviour. The Recognition System is just one way that we can celebrate achievement, success, positive attitude and effort. In all aspects of school life we want to encourage all our students  to strive to excel. A large part of that is our annual Awards Event which is outlined below:

There will be an awards event for nominated students and parents in Years 7-10 on Wednesday July 10th 2023. The KS3 (years 7 and 8) event will be held in the hall from 4.45pm until 5.45pm and the KS4 event (years 9 and 10) will be held in the hall from 6.45pm until 7.45pm. 

Year 7 

Well done Year 7 at the improved Attitude to Learning that you have demonstrated this term. We are pleased that you have been making progress and this is reflected in the 4625 Recognition points you accumulated this term.  7G is in the top spot so far this Term with 975 Points and 7C with a close second of 913.  Continue to strive for excellence on your journey through secondary school. Special mention to Ameilia Francis, Ella Gorgon, Norah Jeffcoat and Ella Atkinson who have been consistently modelling the John Colet School values throughout the year.  

Year 8 

It is good to see that the Year students are taking their attitude to learning seriously this term with a whopping total of 966 R points being issued - Well done.  

A big shout out goes to 8A who are currently in the lead with 258 R points since our last edition.  Along with that I would like to recognise the top male students of:

William Miller

Harley King

Maxwell Larkins

Along with our top female students of:

Tilly Britton

Hannah Jaggers

Jessica Gomez - Gomez for being within the top 3 in the year group for each category.

With the end of year  in sight I would like to encourage all students to continue to work hard to ensure that their house wins the cup for the final time.

Year 9

This term we have seen an increase in R points earned by year 9 from term 1 which is brilliant to see. 956 R points have been awarded to Year 9 with 9G in first place with 190! Special mention to Alfred Pollington-Byrne, Benjamin Kirk and Dan King who are our top earners this half term - well done! 

A number of praise postcards have been sent home for kindness and going above and beyond. I'd like to challenge all of Year 9 to earn one by the end of the academic year. 

Year 10 

This term 10JA are in the lead with recognition points with 4186, 10G are quickly catching up with 4096!

Congratulations again to Andreas who remains the student with the most R points in year 10.

10JB need to focus on upping the R points in the final term. Let’s finish the year on a high.

Year 11

Exams are now well underway, and I would like to wish Year 11 the absolute best of luck as they continue with their exams, and for the future!

11Z have been true to established tradition, and ended their time in pole position for R-Points in Year 11. Well done. 

2024 Goal Setting Planner 


Our unforgettable school trip to Iceland began with a flight into Reykjavik, where we loaded our bags onto our coach, and our experience began.

We first visited ‘Fly Over Iceland’ which gave us a taste of Iceland's history, and a unique perspective above mountains, waterfalls, and rivers all across the country.

On the second day in, we visited the Volcano Centre, which gave us an insight to the sheer amount of volcanoes, active and dormant, all across Iceland. We were also told more about the two plates that cross Iceland in the middle, and how they affect the tectonic activity in the area. In addition to this, we also had the opportunity to explore two incredibly stunning waterfalls, though most of us got drenched, as water was flying everywhere. We also walked to a huge glacier. Its sheer size was truly breathtaking, and its glistening surfaces in the water were truly beautiful.

On the third day of our adventure, we embarked on a journey around a breathtakingly beautiful crater which housed a small frozen lake in the centre. Following our exploration of the crater, we made our way to a hidden gem known as the 'Secret Lagoon'. The 'Secret Lagoon' is a unique natural bath that is heated by the earth's geothermal hot springs. Immersing ourselves in its warm, soothing waters, we experienced a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation that only nature can provide.

On that night we saw possibly the most anticipated part of the trip, The Northern Lights. We patiently waited until the early morning, and were rewarded with a dazzling display of the Aurora Borealis, a spectacle of green and purple lights dancing across the night sky. It was a moment of pure magic that left us in awe.

The trip was not only about sightseeing but also learning about the geology, ecology, and history of Iceland. We learned about the country's extensive geothermal activity, its unique landscapes formed by volcanic eruptions and glacial movements, and its Viking history.

As we returned home, we carried with us not just souvenirs, but also a deeper appreciation for nature's beauty, a better understanding of a different culture, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Article by Finley Bayliss.

First World War history trip to Somme and Verdun

On Saturday morning we arrived at John Colet at around 7am to begin our journey to France to see the battlefields of the First World War in the Somme and Ypres. Our first stop was Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery where we found out about some of the 30 nationalities buried there. We hear stories about Nurse Nellie Spindler, William Baker who was shot at dawn and John Rapael who was an English cricket and Rugby player. The weather was fantastic and we arrived in Ypres around 4pm and were assigned our rooms. We had a few hours to ourselves to make our beds and chill out- there was a games room which is where my friends and I spent a lot of time in having competitive pool tournaments.   In the evening we walked through the town to a restaurant for dinner and after that we got a little more free time back at the hostel before bed. 

On Saturday and Sunday we explored the battlefields around Ypres, visiting the graves of Valentine Strudwick, who was one of the youngest soldiers to die on the Western Front. Near this was the location where the poem, In Flanders Field was written and where we get the poppy symbol from. We then visited two sets of preserved trenches which gave a great idea of the conditions in which soldiers had to live and fight. One of the main visits for the day was to Langemark German cemetery, this is a truly sombre place with a mass grave containing the remains of over 26,000 individuals. 

Ypres is also home to the cat festival, which is shown every three years. The streets were filled with people, there were lots of costumes and a carnival atmosphere that peaked with toy cats being thrown from the cloth hall. 

On Tuesday we were up and out early to learn about the events of the first day of fighting in the Battle of the Somme; 1 July 1916. Our first stop in the Somme was the Lochnagar crater; our guide Mr Clarke explained that this huge crater was created a mine that the British exploded under the German front line on the first day of the Battle of the Somme. It was so interesting to see the actual fields where men had fought and died 100 years ago and to get an idea of the scale of this conflict. After this we stopped at a cemetery and heard some of the personal stories behind the men who fought.the Thiepval Memorial, which bears the names of 72,000 men whose bodies were never found after the Battle of the Somme. Mr Clarke explained that bodies are still being found today. We then walked across what would have been the battlefield and heard lots of stories about the brave men who fought there.  In the afternoon we visited Newfoundland Park which is a memorial to the Canadian men who fought on the Somme.

After this we made our way back home to calais to get back on the Eurostar train!

Tooled Up

If you haven’t signed up to ‘tooled up’ yet I urge you to. We subscribe to a library of resources for parents designed to boost children’s resilience, self-esteem and mental health to help them thrive throughout their educational journey and beyond.


If you already have an account, simply log in here using your email address and password. If you forget your details, use the reset password function to reset your account.


If you ever need assistance, contact the Tooled Up team, who will be happy to help: support@tooledupeducation.com


Once you are logged in, click on the Resources button in the top left corner to discover the vast library of evidence-based support at your fingertips

Sausage Stroganoff Tagliatelle

Frozen Hot Chocolate Ice-Cream 

Current Job Vacancies - with flexible working patterns

Do you know of any one who would like to join the John Colet School.  We have vacancies for a Cover Supervisor, A Governance Professional and Learning Support Assistants.  

Full Job Descriptions are available on the John Colet School website.  These can be found under 'About'  tab on the 'Vacancies' section of the website.

Free School Meals

If your circumstances have changed recently and you think you are eligible for free school meals please get in touch via pupilpremium@johncolet.co.uk and we can complete a simple check for you.

Lost Property

We have numerous items of lost property including coats, shoes, trainers, water bottles and food tech containers/equipment. If you are missing any items, please ask your child to visit Student Welfare Officer's office.  All unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of term.

Please can I ask that your child's name is put on everything.  Thank you.

This is a quick and easy way to help with fundraising for
John Colet School.