How you can help your child

It is never too early to start thinking about careers, skills and interests. Parents have a key role in supporting students in their decision making and deciding on a career path.

As a parent you can help us by encouraging your child to think deeply about their strengths and interests and helping them to keep an open mind and do in depth research into their career options. Parents can also help students by using their contacts to provide work experience opportunities, or to help arrange visits to or from workplaces.

Parents have access to Unifrog, our careers platform.  Students are encouraged from Year 7 to start completing activities, interests and competencies sections.  The aim by Year 11 is for students to have a comprehensive record of past achievements and activities which help deciding the next step and completing employment and college applications.  Sixth form students continue to use Unifrog to help with university and employment applications.

Parents can access Unifrog by clicking on the Unifrog logo below. On the sign in screen click on the green link 'sign in for the first time' using the form code - COHFparents

We also welcome parents who would feel comfortable talking to groups of students about their own careers path, decision making and about opportunities for young people in their type of work.

Below are some useful websites for parents 

Bucks Skills Hub contains local opportunities and information.

Career Map useful site for apprenticeships and looking for employment

Amazing Apprenticeships

The latest parent guide

The Parents' Guide

The Parents' Guide is a website providing parents and carers of teenage children with information they need to support their children. Have a look on the website at the resources, many are free to download.