Sharing Jobs On Social Media

Sharing Jobs On Social Media

You can share jobs with your friends and followers on social media and get credit for anyone who follows the link included in your post.

Your posts are an excellent way to attract candidates. Facebook gives more visibility to posts made by individuals than they do to those authored by corporate brands.

Start by signing into your referral portal (signing in is required so that we can build a unique, track-able link).

After signing in, they select a network and customize the post.

We also generate “share links” that you can share via email, text, or anywhere else. You can either share a specific job or your entire career portal.

Sharing A Specific Job

You can share job openings to Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter with just 1 click.

These posts are pre-filled with your company's logo, the job’s title, and description.

Share this job other places by using your unique share link. This is appropriate for text message, Snapchat, Tinder, or anywhere else!

Sharing The Careers Page 

If you're not sure which job to share you can share the entire catalogue of job openings and let your friend find the appropriate position.

You can find your general share link on the dashboard. If the you haven't signed into the portal yet you will be prompted to do so.