“Diplomacy is always going to consist to some extent of serving people who do not know that they are being served, 

who do not know that they need to be served, who misunderstand and occasionally abuse the very effort to serve them” 

George Kennan, May 1961 

Course Overview 

This course introduces the 'world' of diplomacy in the field of international relations. Divided into five parts (see I to V in menu), it begins with identifying the theoretical and constitutive aspects of diplomacy. It further seeks to examine the changing diplomatic machinery and role of individuals, and the various types of diplomacy such as bilateral, multilateral, conference, summit and national styles, and security/coercive, economic, preventive and crisis issues in diplomacy. We would also identify the new frontiers in diplomacy such as public, culture, terrorism and technologies and non-traditional arenas ending with sporadic debates on the death of diplomacy.



Monday, 1330-1500 & Friday 1600-1730 pm

 Course Requirements

The Diplomat Interview: 25% (by May 31)

Mid-Semester Exam: 25% (mid-May)

End-Semester Exam: 50% (June last week)



I teach Diplomacy in the Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD), School of International Studies at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. My areas of teaching and research are diplomacy, and India's relations with US, France, Quad & Pakistan, and the BJP System. I am also Founder of The Indian Futures, an independent org decoding New India in all its dimensions+contestations.

(Follow me on Twitter & Facebook: @iManishDabhade)