Travel Grant

締め切りました。/ Closed

(Please see English version below)


 本研究会で発表する海外学生・ポスドクに3〜10万円程度を旅費として支給します。口頭発表、ポスター発表のいずれの発表でも構いません。以下の説明にしたがって準備した必要書類(日本語または英語)を一つのPDFファイルにまとめてリンクのGoogle Formsよりご提出下さい。本グラントの申請の締切りは8月21日(月)正午 です。




 ·海外ラボでの勤務を証明する書類(学生証・職員証などのコピー、Job offer letterのコピーなど)




 · 往復航空券の購入を証明する書類(領収書のコピーなど)

 · 本人確認書類(パスポートなど)


Travel Grants

 Travel grants will be awarded to support young researchers attending the meeting. Both oral and poster presentations are acceptable. Overseas students and postdocs will receive about 30,000-100,000 yen. To qualify for the travel grant, please prepare an application (Japanese or English) following the guidelines below and submit as a single PDF file via Google Forms at the link below. Overseas students and postdocs will be required to present several documents to certify their eligibility. The submission will be closed on Aug 21, 2023 (noon). Travel grant recipients must present their work onsite either as a talk or a poster presentation.

 Travel grants will be awarded on the second day of the meeting.

Application guidelines:

Please submit following documents as single PDF file and upload here (Google Forms)

 · CV (You can use any format) 

 · Evidence for your overseas position (e.g., copy of ID, job offer letter)

 · Approval letter from your supervisor to join the meeting (any format is fine but it needs to include PI’s signature and the duration of the stay in Japan (Plan during the visit (e.g., seminars, lab visiting))

Please provide the following documents in exchange to receive the grant:

 · Evidence for the purchase of a roundtrip air ticket (e.g., copy of receipt)

 · Passport or any photo ID