Monday, March 30

Happy Monday Gan!

Please make sure to visit our home page above for the complete schedule of this week's live Zoom sessions!

EC Resources Page - spend 30 minutes on activities!

Lowercase "Y".MOV

Please watch the video below to review how to write a lowercase "y" :)

Now that you had a chance to review the lower case letters we already learned in school, let's learn how to write a new lower case letter!

Here is paper you can use if you have a printer! If not, please have a grown up draw you our three lines. (solid top and bottom, dashed middle. Top and bottom lines should be about 3/4 of an inch apart - the size of the lines in our Handwriting Without Tears book) This paper download can be found on our home page any time you want to find it!


For this Haggadah page you will need:

Gan Aleph: a pencil, coloring utensils, a scissor, glue stick and a chametz free work space

Gan Bet: a pencil, coloring utensils and a chametz free work space

Please watch today's math lesson, fill out the Google form below and upload a picture of you and your even or odd piles to our Gan Remote Learning Work Album!

Please log on to and work on Language Arts section B.1

Enjoy the story, A Sweet Passover, read by Morah Lee and Morah Shira. When you're done answer the question on the right :)

For this Haggadah page you will need:

a pencil, coloring utensils, the kos Eliyahu and the door from your ziploc bag, glue stick and a chametz free work space. Enjoy!

Wow! Great job on your work, Gan friends!!!

Sight Word of the Day