
At which level do you NOW place yourself each of the four chosen competencies?

  1. Interpersonal Effectiveness: Performing

  2. Group Process: Developing

  3. Explore and Challenging Diversity: Developing

  4. Building Capacity in Others: Developing

How did the TLI experience impact your growth as a teacher leader in your four chosen competencies?

Interpersonal Effectiveness: I have always valued investing in and understanding staff members and work colleagues. Moving to a new school during a pandemic added a level of difficulty to relationship building. Because of the new setting, I labeled myself emerging in the capacity. As the year progressed I see myself performing. I have made conscious efforts to reach out and build relationships to make a positive impact on those within the school. I see this as one of my greatest strengths as a Teacher Leader. Below is a text from Mary Anne showing my effectiveness in supporting her throughout the TLI process. This also shows Building Capacity in Others. Second evidence is an email I sent to the District Superintendent.

Below Left: Text from Mary Anne thanking me for helping here through the TLI process. Below Right: An email I sent to District Superintendent thanking him and offering support and assistance if needed.

Group Process: Being new to the District I was very surprised that I wasn't even approached to join the Local Union. When the TLI opportunity presented itself I hand to first find out who the union leaders were then reach out to ask to join. Once I joined it was fairly evident (as shown in previous survey) that communication was lacking, union promotion was lacking, and this negatively impacted union involvement and membership. The survey Mary Anne and I presented and the two newsletters appears to be an initial spark for the union to act more intentionally. Personally, I took a strong stance at the end of negotiations urging union leaders to hold a meeting so we could Ratify the contract on the table (Email evidence below).

Exploring and Challenging Inequities: Branching from Interpersonal Effectiveness, Exploring and Challenging Inequities starts with intentionally reaching out and listening to the concerns, needs, and success of others. I feel strong in Interpersonal Effectiveness, but feel a need for continued intentional growth with Challenging Inequities.

Building Capacity in Others: Working with and seeing the growth in Mary Anne was great evidence for Building Capacity in Others. Seeing a teacher, well into her teaching career, being challenged, facing times of frustration, and yet persevering and growing in the TLI process was a great reward. Her text above shows here appreciation. This is an area I will continue to place a large focus.

What was the most valuable part of the TLI process?

First and foremost, working with and seeing the growth in Mary Anne. It truly created a level of longing within me to continue that work of investing in and equipping others to be teacher leaders. Additionally, meeting with, seeing, and understand situation fellow teachers across the state and nation are facing.

What are your next steps to continue your growth as a teacher leader?

Further develop my Interpersonal Effectiveness and Building Capacity in others. Each educator within the school system possesses unique skills and unique needs; they have great potential to further impact the school system. As a teacher leader I am tasked with finding these individual, helping them grow, and then build them up so they in turn can become leaders themselves.

Below: Email encouraging meeting to Ratify the negotiation package

Below: Two Evidences of Philosophy Change.