'El Problema del Mes'

In English, German and Spanish. From 5th Grade on!


The 'Real Sociedad Matemática Española' (RSME), in its effort to get closer to young people of different ages and their teachers, opens the new section: 'El Problema del Mes' (The Problem of the Month).

Those who wish to tackle the problems proposed here can send in their solutions at the end of each month, regardless of their level. The most original, rigorous and imaginative solutions at the national level will be published and awarded prizes. 

The assignments are offered to JFKS students on a monthly basis in English, German and Spanish.


Dates for THIS school year 2023/2024

The tasks will be uploaded to this page at the beginning of each month.

Please email your solutions to problema.del.mes@jfksberlin.org by the end of each month.

Please indicate your name and grade when submitting your solutions!

Download the Exercises: