English Mother Tongue

Current Weekly Homework

  • Students should read in English for at least 15-20 minutes every night.

  • In addition to the reading, students will be given an assingment in class either weekly or biweekly. They should be responsible for entering this in their planner and completing it by the due date.

  • There will no longer be spelling words assigned each week. Instead we will be focusing on grammar in class through the end of the year.

*Weekly homework activities vary and change throughout the year. There will also be a few projects throughout the year. Students will be given a rubric with specific expectations and ample time to complete.

Helpful Resources

These are the most frequently used words that will appear in reading and writing. You can work with your child to study these so that they can automatically recall them.

Class Code for Epic: hsm8381

Structure of the Class

We use a reading and writing workshop model to develop English proficiency through the following modes:

  • Listening (read-alouds, class/group discussions, partner work…)

  • Speaking (read-alouds, class/group discussions, partner work, book clubs, presentations…)

  • Reading (various fiction genres, nonfiction, poetry, opinion…)

  • Writing (narrative, opinion, expository, poetry…)