PYP Library & Research Materials

The sMithsonian learning lab

Everything Under the Sun*

*Well...maybe not everything... but the Smithsonian Learning Lab puts the treasures of the world's largest museum, education, and research complex within reach. The Lab is a free, interactive platform for discovering millions of authentic digital resources, creating content with online tools, and sharing in the Smithsonian's expansive community of knowledge and learning.

Coronavirus anxiety workbook

libro de ejercicios para la ansiedad por coronavirus

Follett tutorials 

Crear una cuenta en el sistema FOLLET.mp4
2. How to hold books.mp4

Cómo crear una cuenta y reservar libros en Follett

How to create an account & place Holds in Follett

Follett Quick guides

1. Crear cuenta en Follett.mp4
1. How to create a Follett account.mp4
3. Restablecer password.mp4
3. Reset password.mp4

2. Cómo reservar libros

2. How to place a Hold

3. Restablecer password.mp4
3. Reset password.mp4

3. Cómo restablecer la contraseña

3. How to reset the password

Here you can find our catalog to printed books, the access to the databases, free literary pages and other inetesting research sources.

ebooks & audiobooks

databases use Tutorials

Introducing databases, usernames & passwords (3rd Grade).webm

Capacitacion EBSCO--TRI Association

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2020

9:16 p. m.  |  Hora estándar de México (Ciudad de México, GMT-06:00)

Reproducir grabación (1 h 6 min)