Camino de Santiago &

World Youth Day 2023

Join us this summer to walk the Camino de Santiago and/or take part in MAGIS & World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon, Portugal. 

PART A (Jul 5-21): Camino de Santiago: We will begin our walk from Santiago de Compostela, Spain and we will end in Porto, Portugal.

PART B (Jul 22-Aug 7): We will join thousands of other students from Jesuit Schools around the world to participate in MAGIS and millions of young catholics at World Youth Day.

Depending on your availability, you are welcome to join both parts or just one part of our journey. Please see below for approximate cost, tentative itinerary, and detailed explanation of the Camino, MAGIS, and WYD.

Questions: Please contact Chris Nguyen, SJ (

General Info

Approximate Costs (not including plane tickets)

You are responsible for your plane ticket to/from Europe. Prices will depends on when you purchase. Approx cost should be between $1500-$2000.

Deadline for Part A: June 1, 2023

Deadline for Part B: March 15, 2023

Registration Limit:  Six people for each part

Deposit: $150 Venmo: Chris-Nguyen-34


PART A - Camino (Jul 5-21)

PART B - WYD (Jul 22 to Aug 7)

See Itinerary page or check the Spreadsheet for more details.


World Youth Day (WYD) is the gathering of young people from all over the world with the Pope. It is also a pilgrimage, a celebration of youth, an expression of the universal Church and an intense moment of evangelization for the youth world. Although its Catholic identity is clearly evident, WYD opens its doors to everyone, no matter how close to or distant from the Church they are. Visit the official website to learn more about World Youth Day.

MAGIS is a worldwide program that gathers the Young people from the Ignatian Family, between the ages of 18 and 30, in the 10 days prior to the World Youth Day. It is, an opportunity for Ignatian Youth to celebrate their faith together and prepare for WYD. Visit this site to learn more about MAGIS.

Camino de Santiago: Spirituality is one of the values intrinsic to all pilgrims who travel the Camino de Santiago. “The Camino changes you”, “You do not return the same from the Camino” or “The Camino helps you find yourself” son are some of the most common reactions among those reaching their goal. Visit this site to learn more about the Camino de Santiago.

Part A - Camino de Santiago

This is a pilgrimage. It is an opportunity to pray and grow as we walk. We will share most of our meals together and spend time each evening to share our experiences. We will attend mass when possible. Lodging may be less than our American standards, but please keep in mind that we are traveling on a budget and that we are on a pilgrimage. Keep an open mind and be open to experience God in all things, including our struggles along the way. Visit this site to learn more about the Portuguese route.

Pack lite and only bring the essentials. See the packing list for more details.

Here are some resources to help you plan for this pilgrimage.

Part B - MAGIS & World Youth Day

We will meet with college age students from around the world in Lisbon, Portugal to participate in MAGIS. This is an opportunity to get to know other young people and to live out our faith through service. WYD begins right after MAGIS. We will then participate in catechism and youth activities with all participants of WYD. This is an exciting opportunity to express your Catholic identity, share our cultures, exchange momentos, and to sing & pray together.

WYD aims to provide all participants with a universal Church experience, fostering a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. It is a new stimulus to the faith, hope and charity of the entire host country community. With young people as its protagonists, WYD also seeks to promote peace, unity and fraternity among peoples and nations around the world. 


Contact Info

Chris (JR) Nguyen,SJ (

Payments & Deposits

Deposit for PART A: $200 (Due by March 15)
Deposit for PART B: €485 or equivalent (Due by March 15)

Venmo: @Chris-Nguyen-34