Second Step

Unit 1: Skills for Learning

Lesson 1: Learning to Listen


Objective—Students will be able to:

Lesson #2:  Learning to Listen

Objective—Students will be able to:

Unit 1: Skills for Learning 

Lesson #2

Self-Control and Self-Talk

Objective—Students will be able to:

Understand self-control and practice self-talk

Unit 2:  Empathy

Lesson #1

Make a heart out of paper and cut it out.  As you read " Chrysanthemum" with your child have your child crumple the heart when they hear something that is hurtful to Chrysanthemum.  At the end of the story explain that mean words hurt our hearts and leave wrinkles we can't get rid of.  Then have your child practice saying things that make our heart feel good.  Have your child tell you what good things were said to Chrysantemum at the end of the story.

Unit #4:  Problem Solving

Lesson #1:


1)  What was Molly Lou Melon’s problem? 

2) How did she problem solve when she was made fun of by Ronald Durkin?  (Ignoring, agreeing and stacking pennies on her teeth, and making everyone laugh by quacking when he said she sounded like a duck, and using assertive behavior).

Have your child solve the following problems or role-play.                                

A classmate calls you a mean name

Your friend is ignoring you.

Your friend said they would sit with you on the bus but when you get on the bus they are already sitting with someone else

Your friend is bossing you around.

Unit 4:  Problem Solving 

Lesson #2

Discuss ways to solve a problem.  Explain that you are going to give your child some “strategies” or ways to solve problems.

 Explain the problem solving strategies:

1)  Walk away- from the situation

2) Wait time- to cool off and think

3) Play together, Share/take turns/trade, ask if you can or may. 

Watch the video and discuss how they solved the Problem.


Child will be able to discuss problem-solving and how to share.

Second step LEssons for Coping during -K Lessons


Lesson #6

Guess That Feeling

The Feelings Song

The Color Monster

Emotions- Story Bots